An artist currently working on expanding his skills. Interested in animation and drawing.

Age 23, Male

Joined on 3/10/19

Exp Points:
17 / 20
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
1.84 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:

Rads1685's News

Posted by Rads1685 - August 30th, 2020

I've uploaded today's batch of artwork, expect more tomorrow and enjoy as you gradually see my art improve.

Posted by Rads1685 - August 30th, 2020

On a daily basis I will be uploading 1 or 3 old art works to my new grounds page, until no more is left, I have over a 100 of them so this might take some time and as you can see I've already started the process. Most of the art will be out dated and won't be anywhere near my current standards. I may also go back and delete my newer pieces or repost some of them so that there's no confusion upon the order in which the art was made. Lastly, a lot of my art work will be of SSJ2 teen gohan so I will just title each one of them SSJ2 teen gohan followed by a number.

That's all for now folks.

Posted by Rads1685 - March 10th, 2019

Hello I am Rads this is my first time on new grounds. I was looking for an alternative to deviant art and this sounded good. I have some questions. How do people here react to art that is referenced/copied? Typically I do a lot of work that is copied (but I do have originals and that is what I have posted so far). Is it fine as long as we credit it?

Apart from that I suppose I should introduce myself a little more. I am an aspiring 2d animator, and I want to improve my art work and am here looking for feedback on my work. I hope to one day post animations here and many other things.

My other interests include music, history, and science.

I hope to enjoy my time here!
